Feeling inspired?

Teaching lessons

As well as creating my own artworks, teaching is a great passion of mine too, with the aspiration to inspire others to get creative and learn some handy techniques and painting tips along the way!

I run fun and informal day workshops and 2-hour lessons for adults of all skill levels, ran approximately every few months. These are held in a lovely rural village hall in North Leigh, West Oxfordshire where I live. They vary between watercolour, acrylic and mixed media textures in various subjects.

DAY WORKSHOPS £40 or £45 including materials (groups of 12 people) 10am - 3pm

2-HOUR LESSONS £22 or £24 including materials (groups of 8 people), various days and times usually mid-week with one evening lesson.

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Guest Teaching

I am often invited to host lessons or day workshops for local art groups. This can be a one-off time, occasional as and when you’d like, or monthly. I now have many regular guest teaching bookings.

If you are local to me and interested for me to host at your local art, craft or WI group based in and around Oxfordshire. Or, you might just want me to come and perform a talk through painting demonstration. Please get in touch.